Thursday, April 30, 2015

Air Show & Healthy Kids Day

Lately there have been a lot of festivals and special events around on the weekends, so I've been taking advantage of them and braving them by myself with the boys. The first one was the annual hot air balloon festival and air show. We love going to this every year, but it is always hot and crowded! The parking was a little sketchy when we first pulled up, so I was a little worried that I would end up blocked in, but it all turned out ok.

James loved seeing all of the airplanes, helicopters, and cool trucks on display. There were a few this year that you could actually go inside of!

This is the cockpit of one of the big airplanes we walked around in. After we saw this part, James said, "Let's get off in case it flies away with us inside!".
This is James next to the wheel of the plane we were just in. See how big it was?
This one was pretty cool, I've never seen wings folded up like that before.

They were handing out free samples of beef jerky and I had to get a picture of this truck. A beef jerky truck!! Why not?

One side of the festival was set up for a carnival, so we went and rode some rides. We all rode the carousal first, with me next to Rett. James was too scared to get on a horse for some reason, so he rode in the stationary sled meant for kids in wheelchairs...oh well. At least he had fun. Then we went down the line so James could ride a few more.

After we were done with the carnival, I debated going home. We had been there for over 2 hours already, but the airshow was scheduled to start in about 40 minutes and I knew James would love it. We decided to have a picnic and eat some lunch while we waited for the airshow to start. Rett was ready to get out of the stroller, so he spent some time dancing to the music they had playing.

I hadn't planned for sitting for some reason, so I just sat in the grass. The boys sat in their stroller with the shade over them and ate the food I brought in my bag. It was so hot, I ended up buying a bottle of water to pour into Rett's bottle so that he wouldn't get dehydrated. I really need to get that kid to start drinking from a sippy cup or a water bottle. Suggestions?

I looked over at Rett eating his banana and he was doing his "attitude" face where he scrunches up his eyes and nose, purses his lips and blows out loudly from his nose. I'm not sure what prompted it, probably a shove from James :)

To start the airshow, a plane when up with a skydiver in it. The sky was so beautiful while we were looking for them, so I got a picture. It really was a pretty day.

The opening act was pretty spectacular! The skydiver parachuted down with an American flag while four planes did loops and circles around him, with someone singing the national anthem over the loudspeaker. So cool!

James loved watching the planes do their loops and tricks, although Rett really didn't like how loud they got. I told James that he used to hate the loud noises too, but I don't think he really believed me :)

After the first few acts, they put everything on hold for a veteran's ceremony that lasted about 30 minutes and you couldn't even see what they were doing since it was all on the other side of the platform from us. Rett was getting pretty antsy by this point, and James told me he needed to go potty (which was all the way on the other end by the entrance). So we packed up, hit the port-a-potties, and made our way back to the car. We ended up spending four hours there, we really partied hard!

Rett loves to watch James play his preschool games on the Ipad. He gets this dazed look and can't look away. Such a guy!

Last Saturday we went to a healthy kids festival at our YMCA. They had music, a few booths, and a bunch of dogs and puppies for adoptions. They were so cute and squishy!! They are so tricky, they look like fun, but dang are dogs a lot of work! They had these fun bubbles for the kids to play with, so the boys spent a lot of time with them. It made me want to get some for the house!

They also had pony rides, and we got to sit and watch them set up. We petted the horses for a little bit and James really wanted to ride them. I didn't have quite enough cash in my wallet, but the owner said she would take it anyway. It is hard to resist James' cute face when he looks up at you clutching some dollars and a few coins :)

He kept saying, "This horse is wobbly!"
Rett was not a fan of the horses. He loved the puppies and liked petting them, but any animal larger than that seems to make him nervous. I'm glad because so far I only have one kid begging for pony and carnival rides!

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