Saturday, September 6, 2008

The tally for the week

This week has definitely gone by in a blur. Here is the breakdown:

Hours worked: 36
Hours at school: 14
Hours at the gym: 0 :)

This is the first week in a long time that I haven't gone to the gym at all!! Hopefully I can get back on track next week :)


Rachel said...

Yes, I've had tons of people asking me how to do it, that's why I am keeping up with the savings blog. I'll probably never be as good as some of those other ladies, but whatever!

Hey are you going to the gym tonight or any time soon? Let me know and we can meet there! I need some

Rachel said...

Well....yes, I did. It used to be private, then i made it un-private. you must have joined the fun during my unprivate spell. I sent you an invite.

I just got back from walgreens and got tons of free stuff. You'll have to keep an eye out for my post :)

Rachel said...

oh, and i think i'll try to join you at the gym tonight. see you in the cardio room, lol!

I am going to the new book club meeting at 7:30 tonight that some ladies in our ward are wanting to start. they posted about it on madison cove website but I dont think you are on there. tonight we are just getting together to kinda plan how we want things to go and see what books we want to read, and to have fun! you should come. let me know if you have time :)