Monday, April 15, 2019

Spring Break 2019

James had a teacher work day before spring break officially started, so after we dropped Rett off at preschool he went with me to jog on the beach. He loved experiencing the beach in the early morning and made me promise we would go back with Rett later in the day.

That evening we drove down to Titusville to try to watch a rocket launch. Unfortunately there was a two hour delay, so we didn't get to see it go up. On the way home we stopped for a treat at this really cool-looking ice cream place I've always wanted to try. Of course, these crazies don't like ice cream so they both got a soft pretzel instead.

We drove about an hour away to check out a strawberry festival in Barbarville. It is a historic pioneer settlement with really cool buildings and farm animals. The peacocks were amazing!!

We had to ride the train, of course.

Petting the bunnies in the petting zoo:

On the way to church Anthony spotted a baby mouse on the ground. He couldn't just leave it there, so we ran inside for a critter cage and some milk to give it. We kept it for a few days, intending to let it go once in warmed up more outside. Unfortunately, it didn't make it. But we tried!

March has been filled with birthday parties! By the end of the month we ended up going to a total of 5 birthday parties between church and school friends. This was a game they played at one of them, tossing the emoji balls into a bowl while wearing an emoji mask.

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