Monday, April 15, 2019

My Sister Visits and Kindergarten Orientation

My oldest sister Angi (who lives in North Carolina) came to Florida for a few days to visit. My mom picked her up from the airport and then they came to stay with us. My brothers came for the weekend, so it was a mini family reunion. She took a lot of pictures of our animals :)

Everyone hanging out:

This was the same weekend we relocated the bees from the rhino head, so we had this strange lawn ornament in the front yard. Baymax didn't know what to think of it and kept barking at it.

My birthday dinner! The weekend was kind of blur with all the visitors and the girls temple trip, so it was easy to forget it was my birthday. The boys were happy to remind me though!

Opening presents:

We took my sister to see the animals at the dairy. Their pig is so ugly!!

A cow had just given birth to her baby a few hours before we got there, so she was still off to the side with it.

These calves are the same ones that were nuzzling Happy and all the cousins when they came for a visit. It was so neat to see how much they have grown!!

We took my sister to walk on the beach after picking Rett up from preschool. Rett was not happy that we didn't bring any beach toys. He kept saying, "but you have to bring toys to the beach!!!!"

After the beach we went to a local diner for lunch. My mom has always wanted to try this place, and we finally had a chance. Rett got pancakes and gave them a thumbs up. He still talks about it whenever we drive by the restaurant now.

Rett's class had "green eggs and ham" for Dr. Seuss week (green colored pudding with a vanilla wafer). Rett said it tasted good, but he didn't like the texture so he ended up throwing it away later once we got home.

Rett and his buddy Landen:

Rett got his Kindergarten acceptance letter to James's school! Since it is a charter school, you aren't guaranteed a spot. They fill the slots based on if you already have siblings at the school, kids of teachers and staff, and then how long you've been on the waiting list. There are 600 kids on the waiting list for the school, so we are so happy he is in!

A few weeks after getting his letter, they had an orientation night to help you fill out all the paperwork they need to register. While the parents do that, the kindergarten teachers take the kids to their classroom to evaluate them so they can get an idea of which teacher to give them. Rett was so excited to go show them what he knows. He is sooooooo ready for big kid school! He asks me almost every day is it time to go to kindergarten yet!

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