Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy Parents

Our good friends Laura and Stephen had their first baby last Friday and we got to visit them today! (See baby shower post...same baby:) Their baby is soooooooo cute and I got lots of cuddling time with him. Hopefully Auntie Virginia will get to spoil him rotten every chance I get.
They are one of the first of my friends my age to have a baby and I can't believe how grown up it makes me feel. All of a sudden having children is not just something older people do, and frankly that idea blows my mind. I guess I always imagined that being a parent automatically made you mature and all-knowing and truly realizing that it is a learning process for all involved gives me hope for the future. Maybe one day I can do this parent thing and it won't be as terrifying as I always thought it would be.

1 comment:

Phambabe said...

Awwww, little babies make my (disconnected) ovaries ache! So cute!

I think being a parent just makes you more tired hehe, it's hard to be immature when you're not getting enough sleep! I know you guys are waiting to do the baby thing, but I am so totally excited for when you do. Kids age you and keep you young all at the same time.

Man. Now I feel REALLY old.