Thursday, February 14, 2019

Beginning of January

Playing "the leaves are lava" on the trampoline:

We've started getting this really pretty olive green colored egg from one of our chickens. We aren't sure who started doing it, but we love it!

I watched the Netflix show "Tidying Up" that everyone has been talking about and couldn't resist refolding all the clothes in the house! This is my tshirt drawer afterwards. Now it is so fun to see all my shirts and pick which one to wear.

James's school has a volunteer reading coach who comes to the school with her therapy dog. The kids get to take turns reading to the dog and petting her. The dog's owner looks over their shoulder and helps them with their reading. I just happened to be there on the day that it was James's turn! He got such a kick out of reading the dog a book about a dog.

Lately when I volunteer in James's class, if the weather is nice I will take a few kids out to help in their class's section of the school garden. We spent one morning weeding all three beds and afterwards I took all the weeds home to the chickens!

I still help with Rett's class on Friday mornings and he loves having me there. He was so excited to show me his city that he built!

Strawberries are looking good!

We put in a few more rows in the garden for our vegetables. We haven't put the seeds in yet, but as soon as it warms up a little bit more it will finally be time.

Rett and James were running around in different costumes from the costume closet while we were working the garden. Rett wanted to show me how he can transform completely into a cactus.

James's school installed a free library. I love these things!

James's class is hatching chicken eggs! I can't wait to see those baby chicks!

Since James's class is learning winter-themed vocabulary, they had a snowball fight with their words. They each got a paper with a word or a definition, crumpled it up and started throwing. When the timer went off, they grabbed one snowball, opened it up and found their match (word to definition). What a great way to make it fun!

Deer poop in our backyard!

I got a Harry Potter decal for my van!

For singing time one Sunday I had the kids take turns coming up to draw a way that they could follow Jesus while we sang the song Come Follow Me. It was so sweet!

James helped Anthony scorch the bee boxes with a small blow torch to get rid of pests. We are hoping to really expand the bees this year!

1 comment:

Happy said...

Man the fun is never ending over there! James' teacher sounds so amazing!!! The gardening and hatching baby chicks, reading to a dog; so cool! I'm afraid to watch the organizing show on Netflix because I'm afraid I'll get overwhelmed or stressed out, but dang your drawer does look good!