Saturday, January 12, 2019

Last of December

James got a hold of my phone and left some selfies for me:

We were cleaning out our carport and found another secret stash of eggs! Those dang chickens!

A sweet family in our ward gave us a basket filled with treats for Christmas. The basket is perfect for collecting eggs!

We bought an outdoor tent/shade cover for our lawnmower and the kids' powerwheels so that we could move it all and have enough space in the carport for both of our cars. I think this is the first time that we have ever used a garage/car space for actual cars!

The new home for the lawnmower:

Baymax's dad (and his owners of course) came over for a visit. It was so fun to see them running around together! Baymax kept trying to play with him and Chauncho wasn't a fan, so he kept snapping at him or growling at him to teach him some manners. It was nice for him to be around a dog bigger than him that he can't push around. I think it was the first time he hasn't been the dominant dog.

Both of them looking at us from outside. Those tongues!

A friend asked me to make a memory bear for her out of some clothes of her dad's (who passed away a few years ago). This was almost a year ago and all the materials have been just sitting in my sewing room. I finally sat down and got it done. It turned out so cute! The bow tie I made out of an old tie of his.

We came back from the feed store with a truck bed full of hay. Before Anthony could get the hay out, I was walking by and heard this scratching noise coming from the truck. I peeked over and saw this chicken trying to make a nest for herself. Will they lay eggs everywhere but where they are supposed to??

I was reading in the hammock one day and I looked over to see Anthony helping James hook up the boys' power wheels together. I don't know when they started doing this, but when Rett's battery starts to get low James loves to hook him up and "tow" him back to the house.

James's den leader invited us to his annual New Year's Eve bonfire at his house. Everyone brings old Christmas trees they have and they throw it on the fire throughout the night. The kids had a blast! We stayed and hung out until 10:30 when we were too tired. The kids could have kept going until midnight, but we were exhausted!

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