Thursday, December 20, 2018

New Animals!

Anthony's coworker was able to finally bring over her horses for us to board with the goats. They have been running around wild for a few years on her family's acreage, so they needed a good wash down. Her daughter cleaned them up and gave us all the info on taking care of them. They are such sweet boys!

This is Trigger, he is 5 years old:

This is Buddy, he is 15-20 years old, they aren't sure exactly. He is more wary of people, but still really sweet.

All cleaned up and in the goat pen!

Giving them some apples. Trying to bribe them to like us as soon as possible!


Going for a little ride:

I felt bad that they were stuck in the goat pen after they were used to acres and acres to roam, so I let them out for a bit. I got almost all the outside mammals in this shot!

It is so fun to look out the window and see the horses grazing somewhere new!

When I come to give them some food, they all come immediately to the gate of the pen. It is so cute!

Another coworker of Anthony's was looking for a home for one of her tortoises. She has three of them and the two boys were fighting nonstop. So of course, Anthony had to offer to take one of the boys!

He is bigger than Seabiscuit, which is hard to imagine until they are next to each other.

At first we thought that they might get along with each other, but within 10 minutes they were fighting. So we put the new tortoise (we named him Voldetort) in our extra chicken coop until we could build a divider in Seabiscuit's pen to give them each their own space.

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