Monday, October 1, 2018

End of September

A week after our windshield got cracked, we got a new one installed! The installer came to the house to do it, so it didn't interfere with our schedule at all. So convenient!

One of the teachers at Rett's school found a funky worm/snake thing on the sidewalk so they decided to put it in a jar and let the kids observe it (my kind of people!). They all got to take turns looking at it, learning about it, and then drawing it. It turns out it is called a wormlizard. So weird!

Friday when I help out in Rett's classroom is also yoga day. I am so surprised that Rett is such a natural! I just think of him as my clumsy tank of a kid, but he really gets into it.

Playing with the lightbox blocks:

Birthday cupcakes for a little girl in his class:

One Tuesdays when I help in James' classroom I like to go around and look at all the things they are working on. This is their book review board. Each kid has a picture of them on it holding the book they are currently reading. Once they finish it, they will do a review of the book to put in the clothespin so that by the end of the year they will have a little book of reviews.

This is James' book reading goals:

Doing some kind of lever activity:

For a class read aloud, his teacher has been reading "Because of Winn Dixie". They finally finished the book, so they got to have a book party. They recreated a party scene from the book and made egg salad sandwiches, ate pickles, and drank punch (the menu from the book). I brought the hard boiled eggs from our chickens.

James wanted to peel an egg and use the slicer to make egg salad, but didn't want to eat any.

I also brought my ukulele for the kids to try out (a character in the book plays the guitar). They had so much fun getting to hold it and strum it!

A friend from our ward had a birthday party at the beach so the boys got to have a blast in the sand. We thought it was at a different park originally, one with a splash pad, so we didn't come very prepared for the beach. The boys didn't care at all!

James was off of school for a teacher work day and I just assumed that meant that Rett didn't have preschool either. Since my mom was in town, we decided to drive up to the Outlets in Daytona. I got a call from Rett's school and after I answered she said, "We were just wondering where Everett is today....." Ummmmm, oops! I think he had more fun playing hooky with us. Also, he dressed himself that day which is why he is wearing long pants in the million degree heat.

We bought way too much candy at the candy store.

Look at the size of that nerd!

Rett really wanted to play Life, so I suffered through it with them. James always chooses not to go to college and somehow he always wins!

Baymax is so in love with my mom. He is always leaning on her, or putting his face in her lap. If you try to stop petting him, he will put his paw on you like he is reminding you, "wait, you didn't mean to stop right?"

James really wanted to try heelys, the shoes with the wheels in the heel. I figured it would be good balance practice, so I found a clearance pair online. It is going to take a lot of practice for him to get the hang of it!

Ninja accessories from the dollar tree:

Anthony needed to go to Lowes for some bee supplies (like always) but it worked out that they were having a safety day in the parking lot. Anthony went inside to shop while I took the boys around to the different booths. The is James getting his fingerprints taken at the child ID table. I got a cd for both of the boys with their fingerprints and pictures.

Checking out the inside of an ambulance. The EMT asked Rett if someone was sick or in trouble what number would you call? Rett looked all around and saw the blood pressure output screen with numbers on it and started repeating them, "Um....1, 3, 5....". I guess we need to work on that!

Boats, boats, and more boats!

A photographer from the local paper took a picture of the boys and they were so excited to see it get published:

Taking a tour of the Coast Guard boat:

We were waiting in the car for something and while we were talking James laid his head on Anthony's shoulder. It was so sweet! I tried to get a picture, but James pulled away too fast.

We stopped by a friend's birthday party at the park and intended to only stay for a few minutes. Two hours later we finally left! The boys had so much fun playing games and running around at the splash pad. Here they are playing "statues" where they run around like crazy until someone yells "statue!" and they have to freeze.

1 comment:

Happy said...

Your kids' schools are so amazing!!! I love the worm and yoga things! And the Because of Winn Dixie party food, so cute! I want to hear more about how you are enjoying and spending your free mornings, I kept meaning to text you about that! Isn't it amazing!!! My 6 hours a day to myself this year is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me...
I laughed out loud at your comment about suffering through a game of Life with James, haha, I feel the EXACT same way! Teya loves it and luckily the boys will play with her so that I don't have to anymore... So cute about Baymax and your mom! Before I got a dog, I couldn't really appreciate dog posts but now I can totally FEEL it; feel how adorable and full of love they are! I'm so in love with my puppy!!
See ya next month!!