Sunday, October 21, 2018

Beginning of October Fun

Rett's preschool is at an Episcopal church and every Wednesday they have a children's church with their pastor, Father Rodney. One Wednesday they were all allowed to bring their favorite stuffed animal for Father Rodney to give their pets a "pet blessing". Rett was really excited to bring his stuffed doggie and when I dropped him off I realized that I had forgotten it! I went home and got it and brought it back to him so that he wouldn't miss out.

Rett's sunday school teacher found a tiny baby turtle in her backyard and asked us if we wanted to keep him. The answer will always be yes!! He was so much tinier than I expected him to be! We named him Michelangelo after one of the ninja turtles.

Suffering through Harry Potter Clue:

Anthony was filling up the goats' feeder with hay and discovered a secret stash of eggs. Those sneaky chickens!! I knew they must have been laying eggs somewhere else when I only had a few eggs in the regular nesting boxes.

We were running errands one Saturday  morning and realized that we would be driving right by a new specialty donut shop that just opened. I had seen pictures of them on facebook from different friends who had tried them and they all looked so good! We asked them to just give us a random assortment and they were all delicious. It is definitely our new favorite treat!

Every evening all the animals congregate in the backyard. I don't really know why, but when we are out there on the trampoline with the boys, this is our view:

James doing architecture/shape challenges in class. I love that his teacher takes and shares so many pictures!

Anthony was talking with a coworker about her miniature horses. She said that she hates that they don't get any interactions with people anymore since they moved away from the 80 acres they are pastured on. Anthony offered to board them at our house: they would pay for their food and we would socialize them and love on them! As soon as our larger goat pen is ready, they can move in

I signed the boys up for a kids Home Depot build and they loved it! They can't wait for the next one so they can collect more pins on their aprons.

I bought a tabletop popcorn maker and the popcorn kernels that go with it. Before we could get it working, James wanted to watch popcorn pop in the microwave so he put some in a tupperware container to pop. It worked pretty good! Some of the popcorn stuck together and James said, "Hurry, get a picture of it before it comes apart!"

For aviation day, James' school had airplanes fly over and two helicopters come and land in their PE field. All the kids got to go out and see the helicopters, check out the engine, controls, etc.. James' class had a retired female pilot come and read them a story about famous female pilots. It was a fun day!

The second helicopter was a sheriff helicopter and James loved it! The pilot told them all about the calls he goes out on.

I didn't get to go to see the planes and helicopters (I got pictures from mom friends who were there) because I promised Rett I would help his class for their fire safety day. He was so excited for the firefighters to come visit in the fire truck! They spent the entire week getting ready and talking about what to do in case of a fire, what to do in emergencies, etc... One kid in Rett's class insisted that the emergency number was "811" and so Rett came home telling me about it. I was so confused! I spent forever trying to convince Rett that his 4 year old friend is wrong and that me and all of his teachers are right that it is "911". 😅

Waiting their turn to see the fire truck:

The playground has a pretend fire truck, and seeing the real one made all the kids want to play on it:

Checking out the gear:

Trying to keep me from taking pictures. Little stinker!

This is Rett with his best preschool friend, Landon. Every day he runs up to see where he is on the playground and they shout at each other, "My buddy!!" Sometimes Rett will walk up to Landon and say, "Guess what??" and then hug him. So sweet!!!

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