Sunday, December 21, 2014

Library luncheon, Christmas Parade and Ward Christmas Party

Last Friday was the annual Christmas luncheon for all the library volunteers. I missed it last year, but in past years I have gone with James. I took both boys with me this time and I was impressed by how well they did! The food and entertainment didn't even start until 30 minutes after we got there, but they just played and walked around the room saying hi to everyone. I had a talk with James before we got there about how he wouldn't be able to run around the room while we were there. I told him that if he needed to run around, he should tell me that he needed a break and that we would go outside so that he could run around. After about 15 minutes, he turned to me and said, "Mommy, I need to go outside now". We went right outside and after some running back and forth he was ready to back inside to eat. The entertainment was this fun volunteer singing group that raises money for the local hospital. They sang a bunch of oldies and danced along with silly props and costumes. James loved it!
I tried to get Rett to make it all the way through their performance, but after an hour and 15 minutes they were still going! It was way past Rett's nap time, so we tiptoed out a few songs before they were done. I went prepared to leave almost immediately depending on how the boys were, so I was so happy that I was able to stay for almost 2 hours!

The next day was our town's Christmas parade. Last year I discovered how much candy is involved with going to a parade, so I mentally prepared myself for James on sugar overload. I wasn't sure how patient Rett was going to be either. He can't stand sitting still for very long now that he can walk around. He wants to do what the big kids are doing! Luckily, they both did really well. James really wanted to be in the stroller, so I moved Rett to James' chair. They both looked so cute sitting there.
I've never noticed so many cars with reindeer antlers and Rudolph noses until this year. James points them out all the time and he was really excited to see a police car with one!
The marching bands were so fun to watch. James loved the drums and the trumpets.
A man from one of the floats walked up to James and gave him this dartboard toy. I told him to hold it up for me, but all he would do was put it behind his back :)
Later that night was our ward's Christmas party. To be honest, I was not looking forward to it that much. Ward parties have gotten soooo difficult with our kids! They both won't eat, so while we are trying to eat, they are running around, getting into trouble or crying and whining. I tried to come prepared with a game plan to see if things could be a little more enjoyable. I fed the boys before we came, so we didn't worry about getting them any food. Which was a good thing, because James decided his plate and utensils were a drum set! His friend, Kaemon, from nursery wanted to copy everything he did, so we had our own set of drummer boys.
Rett joined in too!
After we ate, Anthony and I had a small part in the entertainment. We dressed up as Mary and Joseph while someone sang "Silent Night". I planned on bringing a doll to be baby Jesus, but I totally forgot, so we used Rett. At 21 pounds, he was the chunkiest baby Jesus ever!

After a few songs from the choir, Santa made his grand entrance. James got a little impatient waiting his turn and had to go to time out for a little bit. While he was gone with Anthony, I sat with Rett on Santa's lap. He still didn't enjoy it.
 James made it back from time out in time to get his turn on Santa's lap. Each time he has visited Santa this year, he has kind of clammed up and only managed one word answers to Santa's questions. So unlike him! Usually we can't get him to stop talking! He still said that he wanted an airplane for Christmas. I asked him later that night what kind of airplane he wanted. He said he wants a big one that we can all sit in, that magically gets smaller so that it can go out our front door and then gets bigger so that we can fly away in it...Uhhhh...hmmm. I told him that kids can't fly airplanes, that only grown ups can and that you need a license. He said he would just use my license.
Then he started talking about his airplane while rubbing Santa's belly. I guess he liked the softness of his coat, but it was pretty funny!
We tried for a picture with just the boys. This is the best we could get.
Right after this, a huge snowball fight started between everyone with soft fabric snowballs. The bishopric, the older women in our ward, the kids, everyone was throwing them back and forth. It was so funny! James liked it, but he was a little overwhelmed and just wanted to watch.
While everyone was throwing snowballs, Anthony and one of his fishing buddies from church decided to sit on Santa's lap and ask for a new boat for Christmas. I'm not sure Anthony has been good enough for Santa to grant that wish ;)

1 comment:

Happy said...

Hahaha, James' airplane request was pretty funny! I have to help "shape" my kids' Santa gift requests too. Like they both wanted to ask Santa for phones, but I told them Santa doesn't get kids things they know that their parents don't want them to have. They also always ask Santa for expensive things so that I don't have to pay for them. I tried telling Dallin that I don't think Santa gives people really expensive things and he said, "No, he can, because he doesn't have to buy it, his elves make it." Dang.
The parties sound fun! Our ward didn't have anything for the kids at the Fall Festival or the ward Christmas breakfast, so I didn't bother stressing myself out by going.
The picture of James holding the dart board behind his back b/c he wouldn't show it for the picture was hilarious!
Loved the picture of Ant and his fishing buddy on Santa's lap too, too funny!