Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mardi Gras!

Last night we met up with some friends from a mom's group I recently joined to go to a local Mardi Gras parade. It was so much fun! There were lots of people in costumes, and the parade itself was pretty good. They had fire engines, floats, and they even had an entire team of Clydedale horses pulling an antique fire engine. The horses were so big!!! They were really spooked by all of the noise and commotion and I just imagined them ignoring their handlers and taking off down the road. Luckily, they didn't :)

James did so well, we were so proud of him! The parade started at 7pm, which is when we are usually getting him ready for bed so we weren't sure if he would get fussy or cranky. He had so much fun! He loved looking at everything, especially all of the people. Something cool would come by in the parade and we would have to try to take his attention away from the people around him to get him to look at it. He is such a people watcher! We caught a lot of beads from people throwing them from floats and we put them all on James. He looked pretty snazzy by the end of the night :)

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