Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Beginning of September

One of our crazy chickens decided to lay an egg in the middle of the backyard. Just because.

Look at this cute kindergartener! This boy loves school so much, he gets sad when it is a weekend.

Soccer he is not as much of a fan of. To be fair, it is ridiculously hot to be running around the field. He usually will play for a few minutes and then keep asking when it is his turn to sit out.

Sweat curls!

The book fair came to school! I got to go in and help set up during my lunch break. I love playing with books!

The boys got to take turns holding the baby snake. So far she is growing and eating well!

James's cub scout den has started having their meetings at our house while they work on their whittling chip and practice using their pocket knives. Normally we meet at an elementary school but we didn't think it would be a good idea to bring a bunch of knives onto a school campus, even if it is after hours. So Wednesdays have been an little extra crazy, as soon as we get home from school I race around like a crazy person to clean everything up before people start to arrive. On the plus side, the house gets really clean in the middle of the week!

I saw this on my newsfeed and it is so. freakin'. accurate.

Soccer picture day! This year they did the pictures outside and I didn't think the lighting was very good, so it will be interesting to see how they turn out.

James had his first pack meeting of the year. While the adults talked about the calendar and upcoming events, the kids got to go to the park across the street for some games. James's den was on fire! They beat all the other dens by a large margin!

The school had our first pep rally for the volleyball team in our brand new gym. The theme was "80's" and all the teachers had amazing costumes :)

Rett loves doing computer centers in his classroom. When they have free choice, he always chooses to go to the computer. One day he told me that he did for so long his headphones made his ears hurt!

1 comment:

Happy said...

Did I read that correctly? You have a child who not only is liking vegetables but said brussell sprouts taste like paradise?!?!? You know that's really not fair to the rest of us parents...