Thursday, March 14, 2019

More February

Strawberries from our garden:

We have the friendliest deer that are hanging around in the pasture behind our house! They aren't even bothered by us anymore, they just stay there even if we are outside.

We have a few determined chickens that have made a nest on Anthony's workbench in the shed and will go in there every day to lay their eggs. I don't mind it, I'd rather they do that than go off and lay their eggs in the woods where I can't find them.

We had some friends come over to play and they had a blast in the swing:

Valentine's Day was very exciting for Rett! Those preschool valentines are no joke, he ended up with so much candy and so many treat bags!

These valentines had a code you could scan with your phone to see the character in 3D:

Someone with a pet veiled chameleon came in to show him off to Rett's preschool class. He was so cool! The kids loved watching him walk around and seeing him change colors. I can definitely see why Anthony wants us to get one.

Playing on Daddy:

Our new trail camera caught three deer in our yard eating acorns!

A day after his baptism, James decided to give himself a haircut while Anthony and I were taking a nap. I couldn't believe it!! I thought he was way too old to cut his own hair, but I was wrong! I took the clippers and cut his hair shorter so that it wasn't so noticeable. Crazy kid!

A view of the chickens from the RV:

We had a family home evening about the Beatitudes, so I gave Rett the job of writing down the characteristics and James the job of writing the blessings. It was adorable how excited they were to write on the dry erase board, like they were the teachers!

Anthony finally shot his first wild pig! He has been out hunting for them a few times, but hadn't been successful. A friend helped him butcher it, and we still have some of it in the freezer. Now we have to figure out the best way to prepare it since it is a lot chewier than conventional pork.

Chowing down on his catch!

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