Saturday, September 8, 2018

August Fun

Trying on masks at the bookstore:

We got a bubble machine during a summer clearance sale and it is so fun! So many bubbles!

As an invitation to parent night, James' teacher sent home a photo of all the kids in the class holding up a letter so that it spelled out the date and time of the parent night. James saw the photo and told me, "Oh! I have to get down like this and hold the picture. Then you take a picture of me and send it to my teacher so she knows we are coming!". I did and sent the picture, but I wasn't sure if it was something he came up with or if she really did ask them to do that.

We went to the annual reptile show this year and for the first time didn't come home with more animals! We did buy a lot of supplies though.

Anthony and I were woken up by a huge crash in the middle of the night but in the dark we had no idea what it was. I assumed it was the ikea shelves on the wall in the laundry room that always have to be put back up, so I went back to sleep. In the morning we realized that it was our closet shelves!! I had no idea this could happen! I didn't add anything heavy to it the night before, it just gave up. It was a good opportunity for us to go through and organize and get rid of clothes.

Casper has been trying to jump out of his cage and he finally made it! We realized that he was missing and tried to find him without any luck. The next afternoon, Rett was walking into the house and saw him hiding under James' beyblade stadium. He was so happy to be the one to find him for us!

A hawk hanging out in the yard:

Anthony was moving his blueberry plants and fruit trees to get ready for our land clearing and as he was moving this fake owl (which we use to try to keep the birds from eating our fruit) he found a little surprise... He came to come get us to see if we could find it, and the boys were so excited!

They also found a funky spider:

Rett loves to pretend to be superman on the swings at school.

Rett's preschool has tons of mature hickory trees that drop these little nuts all over the place. The kids call them coconuts and love to collect them and play with them.

It happened to be pizza party day while I was there helping out. The pizza delivery guy is like a celebrity to these kids! They scream and run to the fence and jump and down for him.

Yoga day! Fridays all 20 of these wiggly guys get down and do some yoga.

After 6+ months of planning to get our side yard cleared, it finally happened! It took him about two days to clear most of the yard and it looks so different! There were still some parts he couldn't get to because the ground was too wet and muddy, but we are hoping that once we move the goats back there they can finish it off. The muddier parts still need some fill dirt but we are so much closer to moving the goats away from the house and putting in our garden, which is exciting. 😄 James was disappointed that he did most of the bobcat operating while he was at school.

Grading the front that Anthony cleared last year so that we can get the lawn mower in there:

Front yard to the right of the pond:

Now we can actually see the pond from the house! A large fallen tree that was in front of the pond he cut and moved along the back of Seabiscuit's fence so that he can't dig out.

The boys were playing so nicely together and having fun looking at a new game on the kindle, so I tried to take a picture of them. As soon as they noticed me taking a picture, they jumped apart and hid so that I couldn't. Stinkers!

After posting on facebook about harvesting honey from our bees, a friend from church brought me these lularoe bee leggings someone had given her. Now I wear them when I go out and check on the bees with Anthony.

Some of our older chickens have started molting for the first time, where they drop off their old feathers and grow new ones. Most of them just drop a few feathers at a time slowly over a few weeks so that they don't look that different, just a little ruffled. One of our chickens dropped most of them over a few days! She looked so rough, I had to take a picture of it and ask some more experienced chicken keepers if it was normal. Yep, its normal, as crazy as it looks.

James' school had a Chuck E Cheese fundraiser. Now that I'm treasurer of the PTA, I feel more obligated to go and support these kinds of things. I'm glad that we went, the boys had such a blast! James had so much fun seeing his friends outside of school, it was really exciting for him. Rett wore these glasses almost the entire time. He's so cool!

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