Friday, August 10, 2018

End of July

Some friends gave us their extra passes to the Orlando Science Center since they were going to expire, so we finally got to go and check it out. We spent sooooo much time there doing all the things they didn't allow the school groups to do when we went with James' class. It was like a completely different place and so much fun!

There was an entire room filled with pneumatic tubes you feed scarves into and watch them shoot it out:

Digging for dinosaur fossils:

Playing with water:

Having fun at the weather exhibit testing out hurricane force winds:

The library had a special Australia themed performance by a man who plays the didgeridoo. The boys loved it!! He told them all about animals you find in Australia, the music, and the aboriginal culture.

Then he played some music and let them pretend to be different kinds of animals: kangaroos and dingos mostly.

Anthony surprised me with a Harry Potter cover for my pop socket. My current pop socket is a different shape, so I need to get a new one so I can put it on!

The boys and I decided to go and climb the lighthouse.

I had never seen this part of the grounds before, but they have actual rafts that people used to escape Cuba and come to the United States. It was crazy to see how makeshift they were and realize just how desperate they were for a better life.

Another library magician performance:

We decided to hatch some more quail eggs and I hadn't really been paying attention to how long they had been in the incubator. I walked by on my way to the closet and I spotted a baby in there! I guess it was time!

We ended up with 6 out of 12 eggs hatching, with three of the six babies dying within a few days of hatching (we don't know why).

Anthony made a platform for the bees to get them up and away from ants. It also makes it easier to check on them because you don't end up killing your back leaning over for long amounts of time.

Baymax started going into the chicken coop to eat the eggs, so Anthony made a platform for the nesting boxes too.

We watched some friends children for them and they and the boys had a blast playing together. It is so nice when everyone plays well!

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