Friday, November 29, 2019

Police Station Tour and Corn Maze

The cub scouts got to tour the local police station and it was a hit!! The boys had a blast seeing all of the behind the scenes action.

James was amazed by the bright blue handcuffs.

We got to lift our fingerprints:

Next was the holding cells!

This was the large holding cell for groups of people (they said mostly drunk people from downtown end up in there):

Each scout got locked up in their own cell. They loved it waaaaay too much!

Rett sitting at the intake booth:

The grand finale was a tour of the SWAT truck with the lights on!

On our way out, the community resource officer gave out a bunch of swag. Rett decided to put all of his on at once:

The next day was Rett's class field trip to a local corn maze. The kids were so excited to ride the bus and play in the corn!

Ready to get lost in the maze!

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