Tuesday, January 1, 2019

James and Rett's Christmas Performances

James's school decided to have the Christmas performances immediately after school this year so that parents could stay after pick-up and not have to come back later in the evening. This actually makes a lot of sense for his school, since it is a charter school a lot of people travel pretty far (some of them from a completely different county!) so it is nice not to make another trip. But it also meant that less parents and grandparents could attend since it was so early in the day. So I took a video of all the songs for Anthony and the family that couldn't come. Now you can feel like you were there!

James had a great time performing, he was really excited about it and he loves his music teacher. He says that music is his favorite special!

The next night it was time for Rett's preschool Christmas performance. They sang so many songs and did so well! The first part of the performance, they introduced the different kids as part of the nativity. Rett was one of three wise men and everyone had a costume. He was so stinkin' cute!!

Rett was the wise man that brought the food and water for the animals.

Rett got so into the music and was dancing and jingling his jingle bells so hard that he came out of his costume! His head scarf kept falling off and twice he walked over in the middle of the song for his teacher to fix it. Finally she just told him to go on without it. I love this guy and his zest for life!

After the play we had cookies and juice with all the families. It was a great ending to a great week!

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