Friday, September 2, 2011

7 Months Old!

The little guy is 7 months old! It feels like so much has happened in the past month. With James starting solid food, it seems like he has really grown and developed along with it. He eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner now and we have started to actually have family dinners where we all sit down at the table and eat. It is so nice! Of course, I don't get to eat mine until James is done, but I like the habit that we are starting. The separation anxiety has started this month. James has really started to notice when we leave the room or when we put him down for a nap and he lets us know that he is not okay with that! I am so glad that we don't share walls with anyone else anymore, otherwise I would be worried about his screams bothering them all the time :) He is also trying so hard to crawl, but he hasn't really gotten the hang of it yet. I don't think he realizes that he can use his feet, so he pushes up on his hands and twirls around in a circle, getting frustrated that he isn't getting anywhere. Also, he is almost sitting up on his own. He can sit by himself for a good 30 seconds, but then he loses his balances and usually falls over to the side.

He is such a sweet baby. He smiles and laughs ALL the time and he flirts with anyone who comes up to him. I don't know if you can tell from the pictures, but he does not stay still! He is lightning fast when he grabs at things he wants and he is very determined! He really is such a blessing to our family. He loves to talk and "sing" to himself while he is playing and he has this grunt that he uses when strangers come up to talk to him. I think we are in for a talkative childhood!

7 Month Stats
Weight: 16.4 lbs (16th Percentile)
Height: 25.5 inches (2nd Percentile)

Things he loves at 7 Months: Jumping, rolling, playing with the dogs, grabbing hair, grabbing glasses off of your face, getting tickled, putting toys in his mouth, eating solid food (apples, peaches, squash, carrots, green beans, peas, & spinach), being in the same room as mommy or daddy, riding in the car, going shopping, funny faces, funny noises, blowing raspberries, taking a bath, and going on adventures
Things he hates at 7 Months: Being left alone (even for a second), taking naps, avocados, having his face wiped off, watching other people eat when he doesn't have something to eat, and loud noises like the blender and the vacuum cleaner

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a cutie!! I loved it when we could move all our family around the table. It just feels good, ya know?